Friday, May 7, 2010

i want my own website.

i want my own web site.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


fuck blogging, fuck google adsense. fuck sara anderson. fuck today. i hate you may 6th. fuck keeping track of my life. fuck off.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

how to save a life.

today was a day, just like any other.

i had school, i went to classes, i worked on my research paper. did i tell you about my research paper?

it is studying the effect of the modernisation/santitation of fairy tales, the effects they had on people and the effects sanitized fairy tales have on us, and how it is diffrent. my hypothesis states that with the santitization of a story, it loses its moral lesson. but that isnt necessarily true for the modernisation of fairy tales, my hypothesis on that is if the moral lesson still shows through the story, more people will learn from it because if it is modernised they will connect with it better.

^that whole paragraph is just horribly written, i am sorry, but i just talk about it so much that its almost too much. so i dont really pay attention when i do talk about it.

any ways we had a mock car crash today. it was scary. and i am glad i always buckle up. i dont text when i drive, and i dont trust myself enough as it is so i know i wont ever drive drunk. it is just. STUPID.

right now i watching doctor who series 5 episode 5. ill talk about it when im done.



i loved the trees in the space ship!

amy's count down!! so cool!

the whole river song character! i want to know her story!! she is hiding something.


the whole angel in her head is amazing!!

and matt smith!!! so amazing and quirky!

his GREEN psonic screw driver :D

re writing of history!!

time energy!

Amy's blue chucks!!

amy all over the doctor!!! :O omg.

i went out to eat with my friends. we went to chipotle. for cinco de mayo.

it was good. im so full D: aaand we had dairy queen! too much

but im sick of all my posts being a breakdown of my day!! none of that!!

im colouring,


decemberists 'the rake's song'

prom is on saturday. not sure if im happy or annoyed by this.

i just saw a group on facebook titled 'i hate being lied to.' no shit. im gonna join the group 'i love being lied to.'

tegan and saara 'on directing'

lily allen 'the fear'

passion pit 'sleepyhead'

i need to clean my car, and my room, and im just sitting here scrolling through facebook things ive already seen.

jeremy messersmith 'wasting time'

death cab for cutie 'soul meets body'

muse 'resistance'

tilly and the wall 'pot kettle black'

gang of four 'natural's not in it'

confronted sara. again. about how she doesnt give a shit. again.

i dont even care.

watching buffy.

why did i ever like those!! haha brings back memories.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

may the 4th (be with you)


i woke up to find my parents, causing a ruckus, much like they do every year on my birthday.



put on clothes.

put on my new glasses.

eat another doughnut.

check my twitter.

have a healthy glass of milk.

listen to a tune or 2.

head off to school.

1st hour:graphic arts, i recieved a card from eden, one of the best cards ive ever recieved! it has yoda on the front and says May the 4th (be with you) :D :D :D :D love it love it love it and it came with my first scratch offs!! FORTUNE COOKIE SCRACH OFFS! AND I DIDNT WIN ANYTHING!! it was awesome.

2nd hour:pottery, nothing special, got a lot of stuff done though!

3rd hour:research, my favorite class, also got a lot done here! man i love that class so much!! im doing my research paper on the modernisation of fairy tales and how the changes effect youth. it is very interesting.

4th hour:business, we watched a video on walmart and how evil it is. i didnt even like walmart to begin with and then that video made it worse. this class is technically where i did my scratch offs.

now im home, listening to the new jeremy messersmith with eden.
we watched star wars, ran around town, took pictures, went to caseys and dairy queen, talked for a few hours in my car. it was a good day. :)

So Im not sure if i blogged on the 3rd.. But to be honest yesterdays original post wouldnt have been good.

School wasnt

Rundown of my may 3rd:

me and mom went to roch.and got stuff. mostly birthday presents. i got:


ipod charger

ipod cover

and some other mystery gift in the mail

also got glasses and a book for my research project

it was fun.

good end to a bad day.

may the fourth be with you.

(ps this is the official blog of may third)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wow. What a fucking nice start to my morning. Mom was freaking out about god knows what, slamming shit around and gets me

not a good start to my day.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

final performance and more.

So i just accidentally deleted my last blog post :[ im at the school again, Ill try and recreate the last one watched a little of buffy, didnt get to finish it! But i am really pumped to finish season 5! After the play i have so much homework :[ i just changed into my costume pants and they make me feel so fat and they dig into my junk and it is so uncomgfortable. Last play of my high school career. The rest of the school year is going to be covered in lasts. So unfortunate. But last night was fun, i hope i get more oppertunities to hang out with them. The doors to the school were locked when i first got there so i sat in my car, my hot hot car, and then the stupidchildren that were waiting by the door didnt tell us when they were opened. Little shitz.

The play went good. Nothing too out of the ordinary. But its all over now :[ i hope i still talk to all of them, i hope we hang out.

Im at home now, watching buffy, to be honest its gone down hill since last i updated. Im watching 'an education' its so good. i love carey mulligan. she was in one of my absolute favorite episodes of dactor who. she played sally sparrow! loved it, i really hope that her character comes back. british accents *swoon* british people *swoon* :)

i have doctor who to catch up on! :D love it love it love it.

i love when there is a refrance to something, and i actually understand it. like in ps i love you where they talk about mrs havisham, or in an education they just talked about jane eyre.

ugh i have homework to do, and i wanted to go to rochester and get library books for my research project.

i keep putting my homework off.

but id really like to see the new episode of doctor who.

photo editing pics for my poster in art. but im not sure they are going to turn out cuz they are older pics and its harder to work with, cuz its star wars x)

so if i remember right i said that buffy was going down hill @ the end of season 5, but the very last episode started off amazingly! and ended sadly and perfectly.

starting season 6!

what a good first 2 episodes!

got a really bad bloody nose, but its 11:30 now, and, ugh school in the morning.

A message from three in the morning.

Hey there all, im just slipping in to bed after a long evening of hecktocity. Inventing words is an enjoyable past time of mine. So the play went good. I did better than yesterday! Then i visited eden at work, we went blading earlyer, got some pics done for graphics class, that was fun. Watched more buffy, only 3 more episodes of season 5 and everything is coming together, i am very excited to see what happens! Anyways after i visited eden, i visited sara. That was beyond awkward. Her mom was there. So i left right away. For good reason. I was on my way to alex behrn's cast part. Which was really fun. I thought i was only gonna be there for a vouple of hours but seeing as i just got home, its been a while. I like them. Alex, beth, alyssa, aaron, casey, and jim were all there. Good people. Im glad i sort of fit in with them. Though im not at their level of intelect. We talked about a lot including abortion, hegerlie, general gossip, gays, watched the movie the happening cuz it was con
veniently on hbo. Overall. Good time :] oh and luke was there for a while! After a few hours it was just me casey jim alex and aaron.. I guess it would have been easier to say that luke alyssa and beth left.. Who cares, that was pointless.. And then we all left after the happening eNded. I locked my keys in my car so i had to call mom to bring me my spare, which was surprisingly painless, she didnt complain, or get mad, and i didnt get scared standing out in the dark. and that brings us to where we are now.

Until tomorrow


Friday, April 30, 2010

It is officially the first day of may! Well actually its 3:30 on april 30th, but this wont be posted until midnight. So im thinking that ill spend the rest of the day giving you a commentary of my adventures.

At this very moment i am watching season 5 of buffy the vampire slayer. Probably one of my favorite seasons. Dawn, buffy's 'little sister,' is one of my favourite characters. And spikes crush on buffy is so cute :]

im at the school now. Just left Sara's house. We were doing a puzzle. She seemed like she was ready to be done. Hanging with the crew. We have the play at 7:30. uuugh long night! Long play. Nervous. Blahh. Perkins with the crew.

the play begins and everyone is on stage except me! Awesome. Not that i care. Wwhy did i take this 3 second role?? blast it.

I feel so out of place with this cast today. Usually i dont fel out of place but i do...

Alyssa and Alex are who i usually talk to. Audrey too i guess. Emily V! :] weve talk on numerous occasions :] she reminds me so much of luna lovegood. So cool. Jayse is kind of annoying but bearable. Except i feel lime he is always trying to impress me. Idk. Casey and Jim are cool too. Beth too! She is funny. Aaron is cool but i dont think he likes me. Lisa and Karl are nice people. Kesley and Nick.. I dont really talk to them, or Sai or Nicolette, or Teagan. Overall, not bad.

Mom brought me in a meal that i cant eat! Cuz i dont want to murk up my throat with peanut butter and all the sugary treats she gave me. :[ but ill eat it at perkins! :D

sitting in elise's creeper van with lisa and karl on our way to perkins, we saw luke get pulled over haha scary. Im nervous about perkins, it may be awkward.

home. The night was........ Thats it. Nothing special. But its may now. Things are changing. Something big is coming, besides turning 18. Sitting here finishing the episode of buffy i abandoned to join sara's puzzle adventure.

i think this is goodnight for now. See you tomorrow!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I love that life feels complete and beautiful to me even though I'm 5 days away from being 18 and I've never kissed a girl. Never done anything.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Blogging every day in may. So prep yourself for a brief hiatus.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

doctor who season 5 episodes 1-4 and buffy

just watched the 4th episode of season 5 of doctor who, and wow it was so good. just the fact that the writer brought back the angels is amazing cuz that was one of my favorite episodes from.. season 3 i think it was? yeah it was like right at the beginning of when martha is the companion, if i am not mistaken. anyways, so far this season is freaking awesome. the first episode was probably my favorite so far.. the whole back story on how he met amy and the cooking scene was so cute and the whole doctor backstory and how he was her imaginary friend and everyone knew about it, the monster was kinda ugly, but i liked the powers it had, and that whole story part. i really liked the whole camera thing where it was like the doctor thinking and the camera panned around people and stuff. so cool, very unlike past doctor who. and amy ponds whole story is just awesome, like how it was her wedding.. ugh so cool, even before it showed the dress i knew she was getting married, and then we learned that she waited 2 years! so crazy. and the crack in amy's wall! and how it is showing up in every episode!! ugh i love how amy is so tied in to this! so much more than any other companion, im pretty sure she is my favorite companion!

so after the 1st episode the doctor and amy go to the floating united kingdom in the sky, which on its own was such a cool idea!! and how it looked and everything and the back story of how everyone had to leave earth!! i freaking loved it!! the robot people were so scary! and i loved that whole story!!! and how it tied back in to everything! and then when we learn about the whale it all comes together, and everything makes sence, like how the ship had no power i was so confused! and then oh my god it just made perfect sense. very cool how the whale came to rescue the people, but i was a little confused for a while as to why they are torturing the whale in the first place, cuz it came to rescue them.. i dont knoww.. i loved it, especially the beginning where amy is floating outside the tardis, and the doctor is holding her by the ankle!!! LOVED IT by far my favorite image of anything ive ever seen in this show so far!! so so so cool and amazing. i really want a picture of it but i cant find one anywhere.

oh and before i talk about episode 3, id like to say that i love the new tardis! the outside looks so sleek and new and beautiful, and i loved when it was on its side and the doctor jumped into it :D so cool! and the sticker on the other door.. does anyone know what it is!? it kinda looks like it has a star in the middle. i read a bit of it, and it said something like st. someone or something.. i dont know, but it looks neat!

and i love matt smith! i think he might be my favorite doctor.. for me he just... clicks. not saying that i didnt like tennant, cuz i really did! but the first guy.. whatever his name was.. the bald one, to be honest i dont even remember much about him, just the episode where rose saves her dad and he has to die again.

episode 3: the daleks, i havent been a real big fan of the daleks, just because they appear so often, but this time i didnt mind them, and i thought the storyline of the robot guy thinking he was the creator was cool! and the new daleks were cool too! although the only reason i like them is cuz their colours reminded me of power rangers :) oh and did anyone else notice that they have big kabooses!! haha

episode 4: i really liked the elaboration of the angel story and the tie in between that and the chick from the library episodes, and how she knows the future doctor in her own past. ugh im excited and nervous for that to be elaborated on!! and im excited to see what happens next week!!!! :D

in other news im also watching a lot of buffy the vampire slayer, series 4 to be specific. i watched series 1-3 a couple years ago? i dont actually know when, maybe it was only last year.. i dont know but they had the first 3 seasons of hulu, so i watched them and then they didnt have 4 so i tried to find them online but didnt, so i gave up looking and just recently found out they have them on netflix online, and since i caught up watching doctor who on netflix and had just finished i started watching that! and i really like it! just finished season 4 and maybe it was because it was so new or maybe just because it had been so long but this season seemed so much better. love the whole tera character, and riley, i always thought that it was a bad idea to get buffy with a vampire so soon in the show (series 1 was the beginning of buffy and angel's relationship if i am not mistaken) cuz i always thought that they topped it off too soon, but then they went and beat it by partnering her with another "slayer" although riley is a diffrent kind of slayer. i also really liked his character and backstory though i didnt like the idea of buffy joining a government slaying business.. glad thats over. i am also not a big fan of anya.. she is such a nag.. i am really excited to see seried 5, so far my favorite episode is probably the very last episode of season 4 where they all dream and we meet the 1st ever slayer. very cool, and got me excited to see what joss whedon will do next!!

oh and i need more shows to watch, im running out :( wish joss had some more shows, and i wish he didnt get half his shit cancelled! god i hope they do more with it cuz epitaph 2 was so amazing! it blew my mind! god i miss that show. and firefly. dont know if i want to watch angel cuz if i am going to i should have started already. not gonna worry about it. wasnt really a big angel fan, i just liked the idea of him.

thats all.

this movie looks kinda good. i loved the death cab song playing.

wasnt a big fan of the high school musical girl.. but her acting didnt seem so bad

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"feel free to crush the milk carton" -my dad said to me after i finished off the milk.

what i said:

"ok!" -in annoyed voice.

What i wanted to say:

"Well your oldest son can feel free to go to college, but he is so unmotivated that he is sitting in the basement using up all the wi-fi, and im pissed cuz buffy the vampire slayer wont load because of him!"

Monday, April 19, 2010

no one fucking tells me anything.

what to blog about.

it has been so long!

why do i let myself get so far behind on keeping up!

i went on vacation last month.

we went ot cabo san lucas, it was fun, i enjoyed myself.
my favorite events were
-the zip lining! so much fun!
-the parasailing!!! amazing!

it is the last quarter of my senior year now. its sad actually, its like its all over.. i dont know, everyone else is ready to leave.. and i mean i am too, but i dont want any of this to end. i love my town, and i love my friends. we have all grown up together, and now everyone is itching to leave.

im just not ready.

oh yeah!

we had the state FCCLA (family, career, and community leaders of america) gathering in the cities, and it was so much fun!! prettty much the whole time was me, katie, alyssa, mariah, and kayla hanging out. it was fun.

so with all of these things at once (vacation and fccla) i have missed 5 days of school , which wouldnt be too bad, but that means i have only been there for 4 days the last 2 weeks, and 2 of those were half days for seniors, cuz underclassmen have testing! so really it has only been like 3 days! crazy!

classes this quarter:

-graphic arts 2
-pottery 2 (independant study)
-intro to business

i am (for the most part) excited about my classes.

they are all fun!

and the funny thing is this week would have been my 1st whole week of the quarter, but i guess thursday is a fun day! were we just run around and do fun stuff!! awesome! :D

im in the spring play! :D it is our american cousin, the one lincoln was assasinated at. i play a soldier! one that has 3 lines! (perfect!) but while i was gone (vacation and fccla) i missed like 6 practices, and i guess they rearranged the whole cast! and they considered not even having a play! D: ugh and i still have to make sets!! arggg. that is always scary, i dont really know how i feel about doing that again. but im sure ill get it done!

and heres the kicker.

i dont know. im not going to tell you that story. its too personal. i dont even know.

im going to update more!

for myself.

not for you.

have a nice evening.

goodbye now.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My parents got mad at me for changing my socks after i stepped in rylee's ]my dog's] throwup. 'it was dry' they said. I do

Sunday, March 28, 2010

i am sorry to anyone this offends, but personally i dont believe praying does anything. when it comes to wanting things to change, or for god to take over or something. if you want something to change, you have to change it yourself. you have to take it into your own hands, not let god deal with all of your shit. because im sorry but i feel like god is just an easy solution for unsolvable porblems, death being one of them. just sayin. and that is a PERSONAL OPINION.

watching doctor who as of late. i love it.

im currently on series 3. martha is my favorite companion so far, though i do miss rose sometimes..

also! im listening to the fantastic mr. fox soundtrack because its my favorite movie :D i had to go to roch on friday to get it!!! loveitloveit. my favorite characters are ash and kristofferson :)

I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people. John Lennon

Friday, March 26, 2010


thank you kate nash. for existing. i love you. your music describes my life. love.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

i still have that alice in wonderland review saved on my phone. still unfinished :/


i havent been journaling either :( im so bad.

went to MOA today (mall of america) its just a huge crowded jumble of ethnically diverse people.)

love this video:

dont know if those will work.. my computer is being a jerk because my brother is hogging all the wifi watching movies on ass hole

so ill just download music and not care.

oh this is lady gaga's new telephone music video just in case the links didnt work cuz the HTML doenst look right.

haha yeah... broken tag! well.. go out and find it. its like 10 minutes long. and really diffrent, and honestly im not sure i got the message, or the story line, especially the beginning. but i did like the pussy wagon from kill bill!!!!!!! :D

ihave purchased so many movies lately!! like 16 last weekend and 17 two weekends ago!!! i love collecting movies :D

ill post a list of the movies i have! because it is diffrent from the list of movies i like!

(500) Days of Summer
50 First Dates
About A Boy
Across The Universe
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie Bartlet
Corpse Bride
Darjeeling Limited, The
Donnie Darko
Edward Scissorhands
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Euro Trip / Road Trip
Factory Girl
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Fight Club
Garden State
Ghost World
Good Girl, The
Hangover, The
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
I Heart Huckabees
Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, The
Little Miss Sunshine
Mean Girls
Music and Lyrics
Never Been Kissed
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
Nightmare Before Christmas, The
Perfect Score, The
Science of Sleep, The
Squid and the Whale, The
Sweeney Todd
The Wedding Singer
Tommy Boy
V for Vendetta
Whip It

count: 50.

oh and i had movies before i got the 17 and 16. so dont think i am just bad @ math or something.


im in need of new music.

thank you jeremy messersmith and kate nash for your up coming new albums!!!! :D 2 of my all time favorite artists! and 1 is local! LOCAL!

i might go to college of visual arts! in saint paul! its amazing! ugh i want to sooo bad!! im applying. ugh life is a crazy mixed up ordeal. ir is that just me?

were going on vacation soon! 2-3 weeks-ishhh. 2 and a half.


so what is up with all the people around me? idk i dont talk to the sophomores much anymore cuz... i dont know. too many other things going on.

dont do it:

i dont talk to sara cuz she irks me. mostly cuz she lives in her own little world and only comes to visit us (me and eden) when she wants to. she just flies around with her 12908471265 other friends and then claims we are her real friends; the people who truly understand her. none of this is being said in a negative tone, by the way. more like an emotionless factoid. as in im just stating facts, not saying this due to my heated rage. she does this all the time. i dont really care. im independant. we wont stay in touch when we go off to college. and honestly it doesnt bother me that much because its just like every other friend i have in high school (except eden) they are all just sort of.. there. and when they arent they arent. she will probably say that we will stay in touch, but we dont even talk now, and we live in the same town, why would we if we are 10000s of miles away? i give it until the 3rd or 4th week, if even that. she will talk to me until then, and then she will fizzle away. i mean, i expect to get text messages every once in a while from everyone, but mainly just eden, or at least i hope, because you cant lose a friend like eden, she is more than just skin deep, if that makes sense. theres all of my friends (the fair weather friends) who are there for the good times, and then theres sara who wants to be there for more, but who just... isnt. and then theres eden. who i hope i can say i actually know. pretty much all sara thinks about is herself, and her indie street cred. or else she has a really twisted way of showing how she 'cares.'

actions speak lowder than words. and her actions dont back up her words. and i dont care what she says about me never inviting her anywhere. i dont do anything, i sit at home, and she is constantly off doing some unknown thing with unknown people. and we can never put aside finch time. i dont like that she is a finch, she dubbed herself a finch, just so she could feel a part of something. she didnt go with to see bob dylan, she wasnt there at bubba's meat farm (i made that up) when we started calling eachother jem and scout. who do fuck she think she is!?

one thing ive noticed is that eden thinks so much about others. for some reason that sounded like it didnt come out as a good thing. it is. it is. i wish i could be more like that. but i often wonder if she forgets about herself.

im listening to the 'where the wild things are' soundtrack. its so good. the movie was ok...

its 4 thirty. in the morning. im going to bed.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I havent blogged in a while. So you are getting a mobile upload from sarah's house. We are watching american teen. Which ive already seen. Not a big deal. Its good.

Bahh. I dont know what to talk about.

i was gonna write a bucket list in responce to beccychan. Buut.. Ok maybe ill do that!

-travel. As in england, the world. The country. Maybe even live somewhere else. [london]
-make a stop motion animated movie.
-write a book of short fiction stories. Much like beedle the bard.
-This is a stretch. But meet jk rowling
-open a barnes and noble. [in the uk]
-open a studio above said b&n.
-write a screen play
-have a television show on tv. a show resembling joss whedon's dollhouse or firefly
-have an english sheep dog as a pet.
-art. Make it. Live it.
-be who i am. I mean STAY who i am.
-visit that peter pan statue.
-inspire people.
-design patterns and like vintage wall paper stuff. I dont know how to describe this.
-create so many characters. Soooo many.
-have a collection of books, vintage nick knacks, memorabelia and what not.
-get a polaroid camera that when you take a pic, it prints it out right after.
-learn to play guitar
-keep attempting to learn the pianooo
-always be honest
-dont be self concious.
-be accepting
-stay outgoing

this is more like guidelines for life. But thats ok!!

-wear cool socks
-like what you like
-dont be peer pressured in to anything you know you shouldnt do.
-do be peer pressured in to good things you arent sure/ or too scared to do.
-be kind to animals

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

i am proud of myself :) i blog daily!

sad :(

just finished watching dollhouse.

ugh so good! especially the last episode. epitaph 2. which was 10 years in the future, seeing as it was called epitaph 2, there was an episode 1 that came before it, which i guess was at the end of season 1? im not sure i understand why.. im guessing that FOX fucked something up there. (i only say that because i read on hulu, or somewhere, that FOX 'likes to mess with episode order') either way, it was so good, but i am disappointed that it is over, because according to another person on hulu (i read this stuff in the comments below the episodes) the epitaphs were what would have been if they were going to carry on the show. i find that the characters, and new characters, along with things like 'techs' were very remeniscant of firefly, much more so than the beginning of dollhouse. had more of a westerny fugative feel.

the tech idea was SO AWESOME!!!! i wish i would have thought of! and there is so much that could have come from that! beautiful beautifu.

i wish i could grow up and have my own show. ugh i love making up characters and personalities and relationships. ive always found it really embarrassing. but i love it. and the sad thing is i cant watch any shows on tv because the characters are so fake or boring or predictable.

that is except for shows like dollhouse and firefly. fucking best shows ever. even the stuff you know is going to happen surprises you! which is what i absolutely love about joss whedon!

i feel so dumb for being so sad about this! but its over, and ive known that for a while! its like reliving firefly, which shouldnt have made me sad either because that was already over when i started watching!!! :(

there is too much unjustice in the world. the sad thing is im getting worked up about the most pointless one. i just wish joss whedon would be able to finish telling one of his stories! because he has them so intricately planned out from the beginning!

and as embarrassing as it is to admit, i have done the same. i once created this imaginary tv show with all these characters that were all intertwined in one way or another, and i planned what would happen to them for like 10 years or something. and i had little pictures of what each looked like, kind of like promo pics they do for shows. does anyone else know about those, or an i the only one who is obsessed with them? i have a really sick obsession with them. i remember, on the family computer that we no longer have, i had a whole folder saved of promo pics. i once spent like 3 hours searching for invader zim promo pics. i wanted them all to be the same size. ugh i cringe just thinking about how wierd i am.
anyways the important part is joss whedon's ability to write characters that go well together while still being diverse. and like in buffy! ugh so good! he is such a genious! he creates this character (buffy) who hunts vampires, and makes her fall for none other than.. a vampire!! god he is a king.
overall i think this blog leaves you knowing that i am a loon (just like my girlfriend luna lovegood)
i have a confession. the only reason i dubbed myself a ravenclaw was because of luna. that is the only reason.
i want a magic 8 ball.
i didnt even mention summer glau!!!! she was cussing amazing as river tam in firefly. (i now love the name river) and she was my favorite character not only as river, but also as Bennett Halverson (a name i now love for a girl) in dollhouse. i love her. she is an amazing actress.

yes this is a photo collage i threw together in paint in approx. 30 seconds. on the left is regina george from mean girls, on the right is my friend joss. this is a compairison i have been making since the movie was released :) oh jossy.. we love you.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I am so absolutely just ughh [i dont know if that was a good or a bad ugh, but it was deffinately leaning twards the bad side]

i want my movies! I sold my nintendo ds. I need to track down my old game boy Advanced! so i can play mario! Jhgfdhsjkfdk! Hehee.

If the attatchment worked, you are looking at the beautiful face of dobby the house elf :3 honestly, how can you not love dobby the house elf!? even if he was mean to harry, he only had good intentions! Man oh man i love that guy! And winky too! :D she is a cutie with her tomato nose [ if i recall corectly that was a description taken directly from the books] not a big fan of kretcher [sp] although he is a funny guy, he doesnt tug at the heart strings as much as dobby and winky.

So why am i talking about house elves? Well i am actually in my car waiting for katie to get here so we ccan go to a meeting to get points for FCCLA [an orginisation i am a part of solely for the purpose of going to a hotel for a weekend and staying with friends.

Needless to say it is cold and i need something to take my mind off of my fingers

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I like thingsa that are fake and fabricated.

Like in movies where there is a completely obvious scene where something is undoubtedly hanging from wire. I just love that. especially if it is meant to be seen, like in some indie/underground movie. Ugh so quirky :] love love love. Or when you see a magicsiaN and when they do a trick you can just see by the way they do it how it was done [that sentence was badly worded, forgive me] i like things like jewelery that is really cheap or home made that is dressed up to attempt to look expensive, but isnt. I especially like spray painted gold or silver [preferably silver' but it depends on the situation] or wrapping something in tin foil to make it look silver. So beautiful.

I also like rabbits.

I like juice in the morning.

I like opening the cupbords to discovr they have been restocked since last you ate.

I like clean sheats
or a new pillow/blanket

i like rearranging the furnature.

I like winter accessories such as gloves hats and scarves

i like mid spring time when nature is no longer soggy from the melted snow, but it is still a bit breezy and perfect for wearing a sweatshirt and pants.

I like the first weeks of summer when you have too many ideas of what to do and too much time to know what to do with

i like meeting new animals

i like british... Well i pretty much like british everything

i like the story of peter pan

i like the statue of peter pan in london even more and cant wait to see it in real life.

i like those days when you want to eat healthy, so you do, and it makes you feel invigurated

i like those days when all you want is a cheeseburger, and a bag of oreos, and thats exactly what you get.

I like farm noises, not farm smell

i like the colour gray

i like sitting on the edge of a dock with your toes in the water

i like inside jokes

i like old friendships will too much history to even try to conseal into a scrapbook

i like fast new friends

i like vintage cartoons

i like 60's indie girls in 60's vintage photographs with pouty lips and extravigant decor

i like viney vintage wallpaper

i like castles

i like fantasy stories - reading and writing

i like jo rowling and how she has created an entire world that has become my second home

i like facial hair that correlates with diffrent cultures

i like t shirts

i like mocasins

i like chucks

i like wes anderson

i like watching and collecting good movies

i like twitter

i like my mum

i like those days where you get an urge to clean

i like places that you can go that are always full of people that like you

i like places thatyou can go that are always free of anyone you may know

i like independance

i like reading

i like drawing pictures anywhere and everywhere

i like thinking about college without that feeling of worrying whether ill get in or not

i like plans you could only ever make with your best friends

i like having 1 person in the entire world that i can always trust and who will always be exactly who they are. Scout.

i like music. The new the old the classics

i like pictures, taking new ones, looking at old ones

i like old home videos of me when i was too young to remember

i like flags, how they are all so diffrent and represent diffrent people and the place they come from and how that flag can symbolise so much and encompass so much emotion.

I like kindness. And random acts of it

i like unity, especially when everyone united is diffrent, bu the same

i like stareotypes, and how you have to objectivelly look at them to depict them in a cartoon. And how you can do that without looking at a picture, just imagining stareotypes.

I like philosophy.

I like the ancient greeks. Their cultutre their art, their gods, their ways of life and beliefs

i like who ive become. And who i didnt become who i easily could have bocome.

I like knowing that i am someone my 11 year old self would have looked up to.

movies basted on books.

have i talked about this subject?

it irks me a little bit.

im referinng to movies like harry potter, and percy jackson. movies along those lines. the ones that change pointless shit, like the colour of someones hair! ugh! why!? it is so obviously wrong and it is such a simple fix! if a character is written with blond hair, give them blond hair, its not that hard. and then theres the whole mixing up the plot line, i understand that they have to condence things and rearange them for a movie, but taking a major plot point, such as who was percy's father, and just throwing it out irks me. and i know that is stupid becuse it was SO abvious in the books, or i just catch on to foreshadowing quickly, but thats what like the 1st half of the book was about. i dont know, i guess i just wish that if they are going to make a movie based off a book, then make it like the book! or change it and make it something diffrent, then you are allowed to do whatever the hell you want!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

i love my new blog title :3 love love love love love! :3 i am very proud of it, it was exactly what i imagined :) what do you think?

so i was just sketching aand this came out. id like to say that it was inspired by Monty Python and the Holy Grail. notice the unicorn on the chest ;) super cute eh?

ok lest start at top left: this is a pic of one of the teachers at my high school. She actually has that 80's hair, she actually has short clothes like that, she really does have a belly, but inside is an actual baby. she is like 57ish. and the baby is only a little bit younger. it is a stone baby. no lies. look it up. next to that is a hooters worker. a high class woman. the next is a grandma.. self explanatory.. and a boy out on a walk. this next one: 1st is a book.. a REALLY badly drawn book. then a monster that was originally intended to be the scary face barbara (is that her name?) from beetlejuice, but it evolved in to what looks to be a person in a strange wolf/person/faun creature. the next image is my favorite :) it is a cat all cuddled up, i was told it looks a bit like pikachu!? i think it is just one cute pussy :3 and then it is a cat's head. with a kinked wisker :) and then a dog drawn by Alyssa Overton. the last image is a little boy, who i imagine to be a bit like Flapjack, from the marvelous misadventures of flapjack. he is holding a skittle :) this is dedicated to eden, who loves skittles :)

this is an artist.

a shakesperian actress (reciting hamlet, i do believe?)

a quidditch player, most likely a seeker..


lady gaga. i drew her a few times today, this just happens to be my least favorite rendition of her. ill post a diffrent one some other time. the truth is i actually really like gaga, and how she is diffrent and does out of the ordinary things. i like this about her for 2 reasons, (1) because i like people who are diffrent (2) because she isnt just doing it just to be diffrent, she has a purpose for most everything she does.

overall. i wouldnt say these are my strongest sketches. :p

i gonna start posting art on here. stuff that isnt profesh enough for deviant art. so i mma get started on that: see you later this evening perhaps.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

this commercial just played x)

'tiz my fave!

some other faves:

fave olympians:

-michael phelps
-lindsey the gal with the bruised leg issue
-louie vito

whoot whoot!

ive been drawing full figured cartoons a lot lately.

ive been illustrating abstract careers:

-shakesperian actor
-a knight from the round table
-quidditch star

drawings to come:



ruff ruff

i like the name gus-gus

im a froogal person.
the word stingy (cheap) also works.


-alice in wonderland!
-vacation----oh wait.. that is april.. oops nevermind :P
-mom's b-day
-new glasses
-i thought another movie was coming out but i dont remember :(

au revoir


what should i blog about?

dont you live kate's new hair!?


pic is so unfortunately small :(

but it encompasses all my loves:

-kate nash




anyone else pumped for the new album!?

i have so muuuch new music!

check out chris garneau! i love is el radio cd! my favorite songs are:


-no more pirates

-dirty night clowns

-hands on the radio

so diffrent and excellent!

so i dont blog much anymore cuz i journal every day!

teddy grahms are delicious!!!! yum yum yum.

the olympics! they are amazing!

i want to be there for the 1012 olympics in london

wouldnt that be a dream!?!?! (yes)

im in a good mood.

watch freaks and geeks! i love the wier family! :D


what do you want?



Saturday, February 13, 2010

edward scissorhands, beetlejuice, whip it, coraline, juno, donnie darko, garden state, garden party, v for vendetta, charlie bartlet, paper heart, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, little miss sunshine, charlie and the chocolate factory, 500 days of summer, wedding singer, fantastic mr. fox, sweeney todd, adventureland, the royal tennenbaums, american beauty, almost famous, the nightmare before christmas, 10 things I hate about you, angus thongs and perfect snogging, requiem for a dream, superbad, the hangover, mean girls, never been kissed, girl interrupted, factory girl, love actually, the life aquatic with steve zissou, house bunny, serenity, marie antoinette, shes just not that in to you, zombieland, mirrormask, where the wild things are, breakfast club, perfect score, about a boy, dan in real life, smart people, elizabethtown, big fish, corpse bride, romy and michele’s high school reunion, fight club, brick, the good girl, nick and nora's infinite playlist, star wars, ferris buellers day off, thumbsucker, shelter, avatar, closer, bring it on, jennifers body, rocky horror picture show, kill bill volumes I & II, repo the genetic opera, across the universe, ghost world, the science of sleep, pans labyrinth,

Sunday, February 7, 2010

the dark, or what is lurking in the dark.
art. reading. writing. friends
jo rowling
Luna Lovegood.
Jo Rowling.
my camera, books, idkk
the night that we decided to road trip to the california coast :)
creativity, uniqueness
Ignorance, self absorbedness
my legs are big
artwork. my writings
glitter. (its the herpes of arts and crafts)
trustworthyness, that they care
nobaly nobly?
carpe diem (sp) and dont put off until tomorrow what you can do today
eden tieman, sara anderson, Jo Rowling

Monday, January 11, 2010

what to talk about. i looked back at some old blogs, to find my class schedule, and ive realised that my old blogs are really embarrassing Dx oh well. thank god for maturing.

so many changes lately.

so 1st off i want to take a picture of myself every day for daily booth, because:

1) ive really liked the clothes ive been wearing
2) i want to be able to look back and see what i was like

side note i need to get out of the kitchen too much noice... privacy time

3) thats about it.

so second quarter is almost over.
kind of exciting, kind of sad that i am already half way through my senior year.

some things that have happened:

i died my hair for the first time in my life. just a little darker brown, and it wasnt permanant, washes out with time.


nothing really drastic.

i really want to get in shape. i always think about it. never do anything.

a lot of friend things have changed. ive learned that not everyone takes friendships as seriously and sacredly as i do, which is just kind of sad because friends shouldnt just be people you sit at a lunch table with. it should be so much deeper than that. im not talking about all friends, more like best friends i guess.. i dont know. not really gonna worry about it. i know who i trust, and who are my real friends. i honestly would much rather have one friend who i can trust my entire life and all my secrets and everything with than have a bunch of relative strangers around me.

buut thats just me!

thats prob one of my favorite quotes from mean girls. even though its not even really in the movie, its a deleted scene. i dont know why but i chuckle every time i say it.

i have 2 playlists ive made that ive been listening to a lot lately

the 1st one:

IVE TITled it "Bah Bah" for reasons unknown. (its the noise a sheep makes)

i wish there was a tool you could use to make lists of bands and songs from itunes and put them in like, a word doc or something. BUT i just discovered the skip count tool. sooo cool! now i know what songs i dont like listening to even though theyve played like a million times!

The Boy With The Arab Strap Belle & Sebastian
XFire The Bens
Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) Beyoncé
Creature Fear Bon Iver
For Emma Bon Iver
Skinny Love Bon Iver
Mushaboom Feist
1234 Feist
My Moon My Man Feist
Dog Days Are Over Florence and The Machine
Dog Days Are Over Florence And The Machine
Drumming Florence And The Machine
Howl Florence And The Machine
Kiss With A Fist Florence And The Machine
Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) Florence And The Machine
Walking The Dog Fun.
Maybe Ingrid Michaelson
Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) Lady Gaga
Poker Face Lady Gaga
Love Games Lady GaGa
Bad Romance (Album Version) Lady Gaga
Beautiful Dirty Rich Lady GaGa
Just Dance(Ft Akon) Lady Gaga
Paparazzi Lady GaGa
Starstruck Lady Gaga Feat. Flo-Rida
The Field Mason Jennings
Blame It On the Girls Mika
Fireflies Owl City
Hello Seattle Owl City
Hell Tegan & Sara
Arrow Tegan & Sara
Don't Rush Tegan & Sara
On Directing Tegan & Sara
Red Belt Tegan & Sara
The Cure Tegan & Sara
Northshore Tegan & Sara
Night Watch Tegan & Sara
Alligator Tegan & Sara
Paperback Head Tegan & Sara
The Ocean Tegan & Sara
Sentimental Tune Tegan & Sara
Someday Tegan & Sara
Love Lost The Temper Trap
Sweet Disposition The Temper Trap

hmmm that seemed to work pretty good!!

yeah this is a playlist ive been playing a lot.

but it was sorta replaced by this one titled "stuck in my head" because i have been putting songs in it that i get stuck in my head.

Just Like A Woman Bob Dylan
She Belongs To Me Bob Dylan
Here Comes the Sun The Beatles
Blackbird The Beatles
Like A Rolling Stone Bob Dylan
Lemon tree The Beattles
Eleanor Rigby The Beatles
Mr. Tambourine Man Bob Dylan
The Times They Are A-Changin' Bob Dylan
The Lovecats The Cure
Hong Kong Garden Siouxsie and the Banshees
Natural's Not In It Gang Of Four
All My Loving The Beatles
Hey Jude The Beatles

it is a work in progress. hong kong garden was my favorite song from marie antoinette, aloong with naturals not in it, but i knew that one before i saw that movie. keep in mind i saw it in 8th grade. one thing ive noticed is ive been remeniscing a lot lately.

tell me about some good new music. or what you have been listening to lately. please. i need something new to rock my ear drums.

love love love love love lemon treee!! lovelove lovelove the beginning. the breaking glass is excellent! it is so diffrent from their other stuff. this is also edens favorite beatles song. she told me once.

edward scissorhands, beetlejuice, whip it, coraline, juno, donnie darko, garden state, garden party, v for vendetta, charlie bartlet, paper heart, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, little miss sunshine, charlie and the chocolate factory, 500 days of summer, wedding singer, fantastic mr. fox, sweeney todd, adventureland, the royal tennenbaums, american beauty, almost famous, the nightmare before christmas, 10 things I hate about you, requiem for a dream, superbad, the hangover, mean girls, never been kissed, girl interrupted, factory girl, love actually, the life aquatic with steve zissou, house bunny, serenity, marie antoinette, shes just not that in to you, zombieland, mirrormask, where the wild things are, breakfast club, perfect score, about a boy, dan in real life, smart people, elizabethtown, big fish, corpse bride, romy and michele’s high school reunion, fight club, the good girl, nick and nora's infinite playlist, star wars, ferris buellers day off, thumbsucker, shelter, avatar, closer, bring it on, jennifers body, rocky horror picture show,

ive been watching a lot of movies lately. im a huge indie movie fan. any movies you like that i didnt list? i need more to watch. i feel empty and bored without my list of movies to see now that ive seen them all. my favorites are the foreign ones (the ones that still speek english cuz it is the only language i comprehend haha.)

ive been helping with the set painting for the play @ school. its sleepy hollow, like the play not like the johnny depp film.

i have a lot to do by next saturday or whenever they perform. ugh its over whelming, should have started a long time ago. ughh

drawing a lot lately. cartoons.

not much else to say. i promised myself i would post more often. thats my new years resolution! along with daily booth.
