Wednesday, June 17, 2009

if your gonna follow me on twitter, you better let me follow you or i will block you! freaking stalkers!

ok so i was thinking, and im really proud of my blog, i think it really shows who i am, and captures this part of my life. cuz i feel like this is definately a brand new chapter of my life. kinda like the harry potter books, you read the first three and were like, hmm this is pretty good, and then you read the fourth and its also good, but at the end your like holy shit! and then its not the same any more. but im gonna try and make it a good era, just like the 5th book, (my favorite) and i dunno this was a really bad analogy. haha.

i got regina spektor's new album, its freaking awesome :) my favorites are laughing with and blue lips, probably cuz i already knew them haha :) but there are some pretty good ones, i cant really think of any that stick out, but its all pretty good.

i tweet way too much, haha. just thought id say that, cuz i know everyone is thinking it, so i maght as well show that i know it too. or maybe everyone else just doesnt tweet enough! ooh!

ive been really artistic this whole break. i even painted with my water colours! haha i dislike painting (cuz im bad @ it) so its a bit unlike me to paint. but im actually considering using water colours on my still life. pretty sure thats what ill do :) ill have to get a few lessons from shelby cuz she is freaking amazing, i dont care what she says, its probably some of the best water colouring ive ever seen!

im not racist.

and my space bar is faulty :(

and sometimes i think even some of the people that are closest to me dont even know who i am.

-i am polite, except for with people im comfortable with, and then i just dont pay attention to things like when im supposed to say please and thank you.
-im hard working.
-i save 75% of my money, so i dont do alot of spending.
-im outspoken, so if you do something i dont like, ill say something. to most people this comes of rude. its not.
-im influenced by people when im in large groups, i do things i wouldnt normally do(ill do things like TP someones car) but it can also be posotive, i just dont have an example.
-idont hate many people, or at least i dont hate anyone without a reason, and if i get mad, its cuz you did something that i think was amoral. for example, when we reschedule plans cuz not everyone can be there, i find it rude to continue on with the plans without them. i dont know maybe its just me, but i trust that i have good morals, cuz my parents teach me very well. and im proud of that :)
-i dont swear alot, unless im mad, or if im in front of my mom, cuz for some reason i breathe profanity when my mom is within hearing range.
-im usually early or on time for things, and if im not, there is always a good reason.
-i do what authority figures tell me, even if they are only a few years older than me, they are my boss and i do what they tell me. ive even been recognised for doing it, so im guessing im doing the right thing.
-ive made mistakes inthe past, but i dont smoke, do drugs or drink, i also dont brag about it. but i am proud of myself.
-alot of people make mistakes in their past and, personally, i dont hold those things against people if they have changed because i would know from experiance.
-i feel that the clothes i wear are presentable, my jeans dont sag on my butt (probably cuz its a bit fuller than most guys) and my shirts are nice and not wrinkly or covered in profanity. i dont know, i just feel like my wardrobe is far more presentable than most of the kids at school. not trying to be conseited or anything, but its not ok to wear a shirt with a huge stain on the front, or the same pants for a week straight. its just not ok. even i wear the same pear of pants more than once before i wash them, but a week straight, i mean come on..

i really want sims 3 but i dont have any money for it!

my phone :( it sucks!!!!

-it shuts off on its own, sometimes at night, at its worst it shuts off every five minutes, or when i slide it shut, and usually gentle with it. and thats another thing, people think i am rough with my stuff, but im not.. i honestly dont get there they got that idea.. i also dont know where people get the idea that im a loud mouth that tells everyone their secrets. if you tell me something ill probably tell someone, unless you tell me its secret then i wont, until it becomes public knowledge, but that still doesnt mean im gonna go around telling everyone your life... sorry to get off track, but that always pisses me off.
-it adds letters in, like ill type "hey whats up" and the screen will say "heyqwert whatuys upqwe"
-when i press some of the keys, like the T key, it makes the backlight on all the buttons flicker. its hard to explain.. but when i press it the light goes off and sometimes comes back on when i let go, or it comes back on a few secods later, or slowly flickers back on.

its all so annoying. and ugh :( it pisses me off that they cant make quality products.

i also with phone companies would just make a regular phone, one that doesnt slide, or flip, or come with internet or a music player, just give me a damn phone! i have an ipod for my damn music, and a laptop for internet! uuugh!

sorry its so long again. its summer and i have few friends, so they will probably just get longer and longer and more frequent. haha

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