Friday, May 7, 2010

i want my own website.

i want my own web site.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


fuck blogging, fuck google adsense. fuck sara anderson. fuck today. i hate you may 6th. fuck keeping track of my life. fuck off.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

how to save a life.

today was a day, just like any other.

i had school, i went to classes, i worked on my research paper. did i tell you about my research paper?

it is studying the effect of the modernisation/santitation of fairy tales, the effects they had on people and the effects sanitized fairy tales have on us, and how it is diffrent. my hypothesis states that with the santitization of a story, it loses its moral lesson. but that isnt necessarily true for the modernisation of fairy tales, my hypothesis on that is if the moral lesson still shows through the story, more people will learn from it because if it is modernised they will connect with it better.

^that whole paragraph is just horribly written, i am sorry, but i just talk about it so much that its almost too much. so i dont really pay attention when i do talk about it.

any ways we had a mock car crash today. it was scary. and i am glad i always buckle up. i dont text when i drive, and i dont trust myself enough as it is so i know i wont ever drive drunk. it is just. STUPID.

right now i watching doctor who series 5 episode 5. ill talk about it when im done.



i loved the trees in the space ship!

amy's count down!! so cool!

the whole river song character! i want to know her story!! she is hiding something.


the whole angel in her head is amazing!!

and matt smith!!! so amazing and quirky!

his GREEN psonic screw driver :D

re writing of history!!

time energy!

Amy's blue chucks!!

amy all over the doctor!!! :O omg.

i went out to eat with my friends. we went to chipotle. for cinco de mayo.

it was good. im so full D: aaand we had dairy queen! too much

but im sick of all my posts being a breakdown of my day!! none of that!!

im colouring,


decemberists 'the rake's song'

prom is on saturday. not sure if im happy or annoyed by this.

i just saw a group on facebook titled 'i hate being lied to.' no shit. im gonna join the group 'i love being lied to.'

tegan and saara 'on directing'

lily allen 'the fear'

passion pit 'sleepyhead'

i need to clean my car, and my room, and im just sitting here scrolling through facebook things ive already seen.

jeremy messersmith 'wasting time'

death cab for cutie 'soul meets body'

muse 'resistance'

tilly and the wall 'pot kettle black'

gang of four 'natural's not in it'

confronted sara. again. about how she doesnt give a shit. again.

i dont even care.

watching buffy.

why did i ever like those!! haha brings back memories.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

may the 4th (be with you)


i woke up to find my parents, causing a ruckus, much like they do every year on my birthday.



put on clothes.

put on my new glasses.

eat another doughnut.

check my twitter.

have a healthy glass of milk.

listen to a tune or 2.

head off to school.

1st hour:graphic arts, i recieved a card from eden, one of the best cards ive ever recieved! it has yoda on the front and says May the 4th (be with you) :D :D :D :D love it love it love it and it came with my first scratch offs!! FORTUNE COOKIE SCRACH OFFS! AND I DIDNT WIN ANYTHING!! it was awesome.

2nd hour:pottery, nothing special, got a lot of stuff done though!

3rd hour:research, my favorite class, also got a lot done here! man i love that class so much!! im doing my research paper on the modernisation of fairy tales and how the changes effect youth. it is very interesting.

4th hour:business, we watched a video on walmart and how evil it is. i didnt even like walmart to begin with and then that video made it worse. this class is technically where i did my scratch offs.

now im home, listening to the new jeremy messersmith with eden.
we watched star wars, ran around town, took pictures, went to caseys and dairy queen, talked for a few hours in my car. it was a good day. :)

So Im not sure if i blogged on the 3rd.. But to be honest yesterdays original post wouldnt have been good.

School wasnt

Rundown of my may 3rd:

me and mom went to roch.and got stuff. mostly birthday presents. i got:


ipod charger

ipod cover

and some other mystery gift in the mail

also got glasses and a book for my research project

it was fun.

good end to a bad day.

may the fourth be with you.

(ps this is the official blog of may third)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wow. What a fucking nice start to my morning. Mom was freaking out about god knows what, slamming shit around and gets me

not a good start to my day.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

final performance and more.

So i just accidentally deleted my last blog post :[ im at the school again, Ill try and recreate the last one watched a little of buffy, didnt get to finish it! But i am really pumped to finish season 5! After the play i have so much homework :[ i just changed into my costume pants and they make me feel so fat and they dig into my junk and it is so uncomgfortable. Last play of my high school career. The rest of the school year is going to be covered in lasts. So unfortunate. But last night was fun, i hope i get more oppertunities to hang out with them. The doors to the school were locked when i first got there so i sat in my car, my hot hot car, and then the stupidchildren that were waiting by the door didnt tell us when they were opened. Little shitz.

The play went good. Nothing too out of the ordinary. But its all over now :[ i hope i still talk to all of them, i hope we hang out.

Im at home now, watching buffy, to be honest its gone down hill since last i updated. Im watching 'an education' its so good. i love carey mulligan. she was in one of my absolute favorite episodes of dactor who. she played sally sparrow! loved it, i really hope that her character comes back. british accents *swoon* british people *swoon* :)

i have doctor who to catch up on! :D love it love it love it.

i love when there is a refrance to something, and i actually understand it. like in ps i love you where they talk about mrs havisham, or in an education they just talked about jane eyre.

ugh i have homework to do, and i wanted to go to rochester and get library books for my research project.

i keep putting my homework off.

but id really like to see the new episode of doctor who.

photo editing pics for my poster in art. but im not sure they are going to turn out cuz they are older pics and its harder to work with, cuz its star wars x)

so if i remember right i said that buffy was going down hill @ the end of season 5, but the very last episode started off amazingly! and ended sadly and perfectly.

starting season 6!

what a good first 2 episodes!

got a really bad bloody nose, but its 11:30 now, and, ugh school in the morning.